minshawi with child

minshawi with child

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minshawi with child

Beschrijvingen die

minshawi with child

  • iCloud 12.5

    iCloud 12.5

    Apple Inc. - 123,5MB - Shareware -
    iCloud is een cloudopslag- en serviceplatform ontwikkeld door Apple Inc. dat gebruikers een reeks functies biedt om hun gegevens op verschillende Apple-apparaten op te slaan, te synchroniseren en te beheren. meer info...
  • C

    Child of Light 1

    Child of Light - Shareware -
    Child of Light is a role-playing game developed and published by Ubisoft. It follows the story of Aurora, a young girl from 1895 Austria who wakes up in the magical land of Lemuria after falling ill. meer info...
  • Ravensburger tiptoi 5.0.2

    Ravensburger tiptoi 5.0.2

    Ravensburger tiptoi - 32,6MB - Shareware -
    Ravensburger tiptoi Review Ravensburger tiptoi is an interactive learning tool designed by Ravensburger to engage children in a fun and educational way. meer info...
  • B

    Bit Guardian Firewall

    Bit Guardian - Shareware -
    Bit Guardian Firewall is a mobile app designed to provide comprehensive protection to kids' mobile devices from online threats. The app is developed by Bit Guardian, a popular mobile app development company. meer info...
  • Norton Security Ultra

    Norton Security Ultra

    NortonLifeLock Inc. - Shareware -
    Norton Security Ultra is een computerbeveiligingssoftware ontwikkeld door Symantec Corporation. Deze antivirusoplossing biedt uitgebreide bescherming tegen malware, virussen, spyware, ransomware en andere online bedreigingen. meer info...
  • G

    Galaxy Quest

    Galaxy Quest - Shareware -
    Galaxy Quest is a science fiction comedy film directed by Dean Parisot and written by David Howard and Robert Gordon. The movie is a spoof of classic science-fiction television shows like Star Trek and features an ensemble cast of actors … meer info...
  • Process Hacker 2.39.124

    Process Hacker 2.39.124

    wj32 and Dean - Open Source -
    Process Hacker by wj32 and Dean is a powerful open-source system monitoring and management tool for Windows that provides advanced features for viewing, analyzing, and controlling system processes, services, and resources. meer info...
  • K


    RFZO - Shareware -
    The KZOČitač is a medical device used by the National Health Insurance Fund of Serbia (RFZO) to screen for visual acuity in children. meer info...
  • M

    Magic Desktop

    EasyBits Magic Desktop - 11MB - Shareware -
    Magic Desktop: A Comprehensive Parental Control Software Magic Desktop by EasyBits Magic Desktop is a versatile parental control software designed to provide a safe and secure digital environment for children. meer info...
  • The Witcher - Wild Hunt 3

    The Witcher - Wild Hunt 3

    GOG.com - Shareware -
    The Witcher is een verhaal-gedreven, volgende-generatie open wereld role-playing game, set in een fantasie universum, vol met zinvolle keuzes en impactful gevolgen. meer info...
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minshawi with child
