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native instruments ntkdaemon
Native Instruments NTKDaemon
Native Instruments - 155988976MB - Shareware -Native Instruments NTKDaemon is a powerful software application developed by Native Instruments. It is designed to simplify the management and organization of a user's audio content across various platforms and applications. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Controller Editor 2.7.6
Native Instruments GmbH - 155988976MB - Shareware -Native Instruments Controller Editor is a software tool created by Native Instruments GmbH for use with their range of hardware controllers, such as the Traktor Kontrol S4 or the Maschine Mikro MK3. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Traktor 2
Native Instruments GmbH - Demo -Native Instruments Traktor is a professional DJ software developed by the German company Native Instruments GmbH. It is designed for both Mac and Windows operating systems and is used by professional DJs around the world. 更多資訊… -
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.4.7462.6
Microsoft - Freeware -Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft SQL Server Native Client is a software component used for connecting applications to Microsoft SQL Server databases. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Reaktor 5.1.0
Native Instruments Reaktor - Shareware -Native Instruments Reaktor is a powerful software tool for professional music producers and sound designers. It is designed to provide a comprehensive platform for building custom instruments, samplers, effects, and sound generators using … 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1
Native Instruments - Shareware -The Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol is a software that provides music producers with a wide variety of creative tools for sound design, composition and live performance. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Mikro Prism
Native Instruments - Audio DJ Driver - Shareware -The Native Instruments Mikro Prism is a powerful audio DJ driver that provides exceptional sound quality and performance. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Native Access
Native Instruments - 40.1MB - Shareware -Native Instruments Native Access is a desktop application developed by Native Instruments, designed to simplify the process of managing downloads, installations, and updates of the company's software products. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments NIHostIntegrationAgent
Native Instruments - Shareware -The Native Instruments NIHostIntegrationAgent is an application developed by Native Instruments. It is designed to improve the integration between Native Instruments hardware and software products with third-party DAWs, ensuring that users … 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Kinetic Treats
Native Instruments - Shareware -Native Instruments is a well-known music software company that has released various virtual instruments and effects. One of their popular products is Kinetic Treats, which is a sample-based instrument that comprises a collection of unique … 更多資訊…
native instruments ntkdaemon
native instruments ntkdaemon
EPSON L100 Series Printer Uninstall
SEIKO EPSON Corporation - 4191232MB - Shareware -精工愛普生公司提供了一種簡單有效的方法來卸載愛普生L100系列印表機。使用者只需按照以下步驟操作即可從計算機中成功卸載印表機。1.按兩下桌面上的「開始」 按鈕,然後在搜尋欄中搜尋「控制面板」。2. 從選項清單中選擇「控制面板」 然後按兩下程式或「程式和功能」。3. 在安裝程式清單中尋找“EPSON L100系列印表機”。4.右鍵按兩下“EPSON L100系列印表機”,然後從選項清單中選擇“卸載”。5. 按照螢幕上顯示的提示完成卸載過程。6. 更多資訊… -
Adobe AIR
Adobe Systems Inc. - 11MB - Freeware -Adobe Systems Inc. 開發的 Adobe AIR Adobe AIR(Adobe Integrated Runtime)是由Adobe Systems Inc.開發的一款功能強大且功能強大的軟體應用程式。它允許開發人員使用熟悉的 Web 技術(如 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript)構建豐富的 Internet 應用程式。借助 Adobe AIR,開發人員可以創建在多個平臺和設備上運行的應用程式,而無需 Web 瀏覽器。 Adobe AIR … 更多資訊… -
Microsoft Edge 129.0.2792.79
Microsoft - 1.8MB - Shareware -Microsoft Edge是由Microsoft開發的Web瀏覽器,旨在成為市場上其他流行瀏覽器的輕量級和快速替代品。Microsoft Edge 於 2015 年推出,取代 Internet Explorer 成為 Windows 操作系統上的預設瀏覽器。 Microsoft Edge的主要功能之一是它與Microsoft的虛擬助手Cortana的集成。這允許使用者在不離開瀏覽器視窗的情況下執行搜索、設置提醒並獲取問題的答案。 在性能方面,Microsoft Edge … 更多資訊… -
Google Chrome 129.0.6668.90
Google Inc. - Freeware -Chrome 是 Google 開發的網路瀏覽器。它的特點是速度快,功能多。 更多資訊… -
Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime 129.0.2792.65
Microsoft Corporation - Shareware -Microsoft Edge WebView2 運行時環境是由 Microsoft Corporation 開發的一項技術。它允許開發人員使用由 Microsoft Edge 提供支援的功能齊全的 Web 引擎將 Web 內容嵌入到其本機應用程式中。 該技術為開發人員提供了一種有效的方式來利用其應用程式中的現有 Web 內容,同時還允許他們利用最新的 Web 標準、功能和服務。 Microsoft Edge WebView2 運行時環境提供了許多優勢,包括與 … 更多資訊… -
NVIDIA Graphics Driver 560.94
NVIDIA Corporation - 720MB - Freeware -NVIDIA 顯卡驅動程序評論 NVIDIA Graphics Driver 由 NVIDIA Corporation 開發,是一種軟體應用程式,可使您的電腦操作系統與 NVIDIA 圖形處理單元 (GPU) 進行有效通信。此驅動程式對於確保系統與 NVIDIA GPU 之間的最佳性能和相容性至關重要。 NVIDIA Graphics Driver的主要功能: 1. 更多資訊… -
CCleaner 6.28.11297
Piriform Ltd. - 58.1MB - Freeware -可能是全球最受歡迎的免費軟體清理器,自 2003 年推出以來下載量超過 10 億次。Piriform 的 CCleaner 是一個快速且易於使用的程式,可使您的電腦更快、更安全、更可靠。CCleaner 會刪除cookie、臨時檔和各種其他未使用的數據,這些數據會堵塞您的作業系統。這樣可以釋放寶貴的硬碟空間,讓您的系統運行得更快。刪除這些數據還可以保護您的匿名性,這意味著您可以更安全地在線流覽。 內置的註冊表清理器修復了錯誤和損壞的設置,使您的計算機更加穩定。簡單、直觀… 更多資訊… -
Microsoft OneDrive 24.161.0811.0001
Microsoft Corporation - 5.8MB - Freeware -Microsoft OneDrive由Microsoft Corporation開發,是一種雲存儲服務,允許使用者跨設備存儲,同步和共享檔。OneDrive 於 2007 年作為 Windows Live 資料夾推出,現已發展成為一個多功能平臺,可與 Microsoft 的產品和服務生態系統無縫集成。 Microsoft OneDrive的主要功能之一是其跨平臺相容性。用戶幾乎可以從任何地方訪問他們的文件,因為 OneDrive 可在 Windows、Mac、iOS 和 … 更多資訊… -
Microsoft Update Health Tools 4.75
Microsoft Corporation - 13.5MB - Shareware -Microsoft Update Health Tools 是由 Microsoft Corporation 開發的軟體應用程式,可説明使用者解決和修復與設備上的 Windows Update 相關的問題。作為 Microsoft 對改善 Windows 更新體驗的持續承諾的一部分,更新運行狀況工具旨在簡化診斷和解決更新相關問題的過程。 Microsoft 更新運行狀況工具的一個關鍵功能是它能夠檢測可能阻止 Windows … 更多資訊… -
Intel Matrix Storage Manager 8.9
Intel Corporation - Freeware -Intel Matrix Storage Manager: A Comprehensive Storage Solution Intel Matrix Storage Manager, developed by Intel Corporation, is a powerful software application designed to manage storage configurations on computers running Intel chipsets … 更多資訊…
native instruments ntkdaemon
Native Instruments Controller Editor 2.7.6
Native Instruments GmbH - 155988976MB - Shareware -Native Instruments Controller Editor is a software tool created by Native Instruments GmbH for use with their range of hardware controllers, such as the Traktor Kontrol S4 or the Maschine Mikro MK3. 更多資訊… -
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.4.7462.6
Microsoft - Freeware -Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft SQL Server Native Client is a software component used for connecting applications to Microsoft SQL Server databases. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments NTKDaemon
Native Instruments - 155988976MB - Shareware -Native Instruments NTKDaemon is a powerful software application developed by Native Instruments. It is designed to simplify the management and organization of a user's audio content across various platforms and applications. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Traktor 2
Native Instruments GmbH - Demo -Native Instruments Traktor is a professional DJ software developed by the German company Native Instruments GmbH. It is designed for both Mac and Windows operating systems and is used by professional DJs around the world. 更多資訊… -
Native Instruments Reaktor 5.1.0
Native Instruments Reaktor - Shareware -Native Instruments Reaktor is a powerful software tool for professional music producers and sound designers. It is designed to provide a comprehensive platform for building custom instruments, samplers, effects, and sound generators using … 更多資訊…