програмирование digid
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програмирование digid
CoronaCheck Netherlands 5.1.0
Rijksoverheid - Freeware -CoronaCheck is the official app of the Netherlands, developed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, which allows users to display their coronavirus entry passes. 更多資訊… -
CZ declareren 3.07.338
Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij CZ groep U.A. - Freeware -About the CZ App: Claim your invoices with ease by following a few simple steps Access your policy details, deductible status, and more Have you recently received an invoice from your healthcare provider? 更多資訊… -
Zilveren Kruis 5.3.1
Zilveren Kruis - Freeware -Experience the convenience and security of managing your health care with the Zilveren Kruis app. Once registered with DigiD, you can securely log in using your unique Zilveren Kruis app access code. 更多資訊… -
IZA 1.12.680
Zorgverzekeraar VGZ - Freeware -Review of IZA app: your digital health and care assistant Living a healthier life is not always easy. That's why we are here to assist you with handy services related to health. 更多資訊… -
mbb.rijksoverheid.nl - Shareware -The Messages Box app can only be used in conjunction with the DigiD app. The DigiD app must be installed on the same device, and you use the pin code from the DigiD app to open the Messages Box app. 更多資訊… -
UMC Zorg 1.12.680
Zorgverzekeraar VGZ - Freeware -The UMC Care app: your digital assistant for health and care Leading a healthier life is not always easy. That's why we are here to assist you with convenient services related to health. 更多資訊… -
Envíos Argentina 1.19.4
Gmazzo - Freeware -The original app for package tracking in Argentina, innovating since 2014. It's simple: you add the tracking code and the application will notify you every time there's a new event for your shipment. 更多資訊…
програмирование digid
програмирование digid
CoronaCheck Netherlands 5.1.0
Rijksoverheid - Freeware -CoronaCheck is the official app of the Netherlands, developed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, which allows users to display their coronavirus entry passes. 更多資訊… -
CZ declareren 3.07.338
Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij CZ groep U.A. - Freeware -About the CZ App: Claim your invoices with ease by following a few simple steps Access your policy details, deductible status, and more Have you recently received an invoice from your healthcare provider? 更多資訊… -
Zilveren Kruis 5.3.1
Zilveren Kruis - Freeware -Experience the convenience and security of managing your health care with the Zilveren Kruis app. Once registered with DigiD, you can securely log in using your unique Zilveren Kruis app access code. 更多資訊… -
IZA 1.12.680
Zorgverzekeraar VGZ - Freeware -Review of IZA app: your digital health and care assistant Living a healthier life is not always easy. That's why we are here to assist you with handy services related to health. 更多資訊… -
mbb.rijksoverheid.nl - Shareware -The Messages Box app can only be used in conjunction with the DigiD app. The DigiD app must be installed on the same device, and you use the pin code from the DigiD app to open the Messages Box app. 更多資訊… -
UMC Zorg 1.12.680
Zorgverzekeraar VGZ - Freeware -The UMC Care app: your digital assistant for health and care Leading a healthier life is not always easy. That's why we are here to assist you with convenient services related to health. 更多資訊… -
Envíos Argentina 1.19.4
Gmazzo - Freeware -The original app for package tracking in Argentina, innovating since 2014. It's simple: you add the tracking code and the application will notify you every time there's a new event for your shipment. 更多資訊… -
UnitedConsumers Zorg 1.12.680
Zorgverzekeraar VGZ - Freeware -The UnitedConsumers App: Your Digital Assistant for Health and Care Living a healthier life is not always easy. That's why we are here to assist you with convenient services related to health. 更多資訊… -
CoronaCheck 4.1.1
Rijksoverheid - Freeware -CoronaCheck is the official app of the Netherlands for displaying coronavirus entry passes. Developed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport, it serves as a digital tool to generate a certificate with a QR code representing your … 更多資訊… -
VGZ 2.5.633
Zorgverzekeraar VGZ - Freeware -Review of the VGZ app: your digital assistant for health and care Leading a healthier life is not always easy. That's why we are here to assist you with convenient health services. 更多資訊…
програмирование digid
Check-ID for DigiD 1.0.12
Rijksoverheid - Freeware -Not everyone has access to a telephone equipped with an NFC reader. The CheckID app from DigiD allows you to assist individuals in adding the ID check feature to their DigiD app. 更多資訊… -
LWP GmbH - Shareware -Start using the app? To begin using the DigiD app, you need to activate it first. Simply open the DigiD app and follow the step-by-step instructions provided. Need assistance with activation? 更多資訊…