оракл клиент 11.2

Oracle Client 11.2 is a software application that provides tools and libraries necessary for client applications to connect to Oracle databases. It offers database connectivity, enabling users to execute SQL statements, manage database connections, and interact with Oracle's advanced features. This version is part of the Oracle 11g release and includes enhancements that improve performance, security, and ease of use for database administrators and developers alike.

Here is a selection of notable software products that serve as Oracle Client 11.2 alternatives or related tools that facilitate its functionality in managing Oracle databases.

In case you are looking for alternatives to Oracle Client 11.2, here is a list of products that can provide similar functionalities and support for working with Oracle databases.

在 UpdateStar:

оракл клиент 11.2

  • O

    Oracle Client

    Oracle - Freeware -
    The Oracle Client software is an application developed by Oracle Corporation that allows users to connect to Oracle databases from a client machine. 更多資訊…
  • AusweisApp 2 2.2.2

    AusweisApp 2 2.2.2

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  • FurMark 2

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    oZone3D.Net - Freeware -
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  • onlineTV 20

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    conceptdesign GmbH - 8.8MB - Freeware -
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  • Far Cry 2 6

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    Ubisoft - 51.8MB - Demo -
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  • VLC media player 3.0.21

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    VideoLAN Team - 40.1MB - Freeware -
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  • CloneDVD 2

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    Elaborate Bytes AG - Shareware -
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  • V

    Visitenkarten in 2 Minuten 2

    Visitenkarten in Minuten - 3728357MB - Shareware -
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  • Autodesk Advanced Material Library Image Library 2 16.11.1

    Autodesk Advanced Material Library Image Library 2 16.11.1

    Autodesk Inc. - 0.9MB - Shareware -
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  • P