O&O Software GmbH
O&O SafeErase Server 17.6.229
O&O Software GmbH - Shareware -Tool that provides you with the possibility to securely delete files, folders or partitions, as well as all traces of your data. 更多資訊… -
O&O SSD Migration Kit 7.1.36
O&O Software GmbH - 10.9MB - Shareware -O&O SSD 遷移套件可輕鬆輕鬆地將分區(驅動器)從傳統硬碟遷移到固態硬碟(固態硬碟)。這將導致在 SSD 或 SSD 驅動器上創建所選驅動器的重複項。如果在 SSD 上複製了分區或整個硬碟,則需要調整分區並與 SSD 的結構對齊。如果發生這種情況,SSD 將簡單地被來自舊硬碟的資訊覆蓋,分區的不對齊可能會導致高達 50% 的性能損失。此外,SSD 的使用壽命縮短,因為您現在在 SSD 上保存新數據,在刪除和重寫時需要的空間比正常時要大。O&O SSD … 更多資訊… -
O&O PartitionManager Server Edition
O&O Software GmbH - Commercial -O&O PartitionManager Server Edition is a software developed by O&O Software GmbH that allows users to manage partitions on their servers easily. 更多資訊… -
Windows illesztőprogram-csomag - O&O Software GmbH oodrvled ActivityMonitor (11/03/2009
O&O Software GmbH - Shareware -