Discord Inc.

  • Discord 1.0.9169

    Discord 1.0.9169

    Discord Inc. - 48.5MB - Freeware -
    Discord 是一個流行的通信平臺,為使用者提供一個用於即時語音、視頻和文本通信、協作和社區建設的多功能空間。Discord 專為遊戲玩家和在線社區設計,提供用於創建伺服器、加入語音頻道、即時消息以及與遊戲平臺集成以進行社交互動的功能。 Discord 的主要功能之一是其聊天功能,允許使用者在基於文本的聊天頻道中交換消息、共用文件、連結和多媒體內容。用戶可以創建公共或私人聊天室,直接向個人或群組發送消息,並在 Discord … 更多資訊…
  • Discord PTB 1.0.9007

    Discord PTB 1.0.9007

    Discord Inc. - Shareware -
    Discord PTB is a communication platform developed by Hammer & Chisel, Inc. designed for gamers and other communities. It allows users to chat, voice chat, and share media with each other. 更多資訊…
  • Discord Canary 1.0.475

    Discord Canary 1.0.475

    Discord Inc. - 91.7MB - Freeware -
    Discord Canary is a pre-release version of the popular communication platform, Discord. Developed and released by Discord Inc., this version is primarily intended for developers and early adopters to test new features and provide feedback … 更多資訊…
  • D

    Discord Development

    Discord Inc. - Shareware -
    Discord Development is a platform created by Discord Inc. that allows developers to integrate their applications and services with the Discord app. This integration provides a more personalized and streamlined experience for Discord users. 更多資訊…
  • Discord - Talk, Play, Hang Out 259.13 - Stable

    Discord - Talk, Play, Hang Out 259.13 - Stable

    Discord Inc. - Freeware -
    Discord offers a versatile platform with a focus on gaming and social interactions. Ideal for casual hangouts with friends or cultivating online communities, Discord allows users to personalize their space and engage in conversations while … 更多資訊…
  • Discord: Talk, Chat & Hang Out 222.13 - Stable

    Discord: Talk, Chat & Hang Out 222.13 - Stable

    Discord Inc. - Freeware -
    Discord is a platform that allows you to create a virtual space for your communities and friends. It provides various communication features, including text, voice, and video chat, ensuring you can stay connected and have fun together. 更多資訊…