webview 86.0.4240.198

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webview 86.0.4240.198

webview 86.0.4240.198


webview 86.0.4240.198

  • U

    UXP WebView Support

    Adobe Inc. - Shareware -
    Adobe Inc. 提供 UXP WebView 支持,帮助开发人员在其 Web 应用程序中创建身临其境且引人入胜的用户体验。借助UXP WebView,开发人员可以使用现代Web技术设计和实现自定义界面,而不受本机代码的限制。 开发人员可以使用 UXP WebView 为桌面和移动设备构建丰富的交互式 UI,这些 UI 以流畅的动画和快速加载时间响应用户输入。他们可以利用触摸事件、设备方向检测等功能来提供与本机应用相当的应用体验。 UXP WebView 还包括对 … 更多资料...
  • ImgBurn


    LIGHTNING UK! - 2.1MB - Freeware -
    ImgBurn: A Comprehensive Review ImgBurn is a popular software application developed by LIGHTNING UK! that is widely used for burning CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and more. 更多资料...
  • 0 6.0.1036

    0 6.0.1036

    Atlas Business Solutions - 163037696MB - Commercial -
    Review of 0 by Atlas Business Solutions 0 by Atlas Business Solutions is a comprehensive software application designed to help businesses manage their workforce efficiently. 更多资料...
  • Intel Matrix Storage Manager 8.9

    Intel Matrix Storage Manager 8.9

    Intel Corporation - Freeware -
    Intel Matrix Storage Manager: A Comprehensive Storage Solution Intel Matrix Storage Manager, developed by Intel Corporation, is a powerful software application designed to manage storage configurations on computers running Intel chipsets … 更多资料...
  • Android System WebView

    Android System WebView

    android.google.com - Shareware -
    Android System WebView: A Comprehensive Review Android System WebView, developed by android.google.com, is a crucial component of the Android operating system that allows apps to display web content without leaving the app itself. 更多资料...
  • M

    MagicYUV Lossless Video Codec 1.1

    INNOMAGIC, Ltd. - Shareware -
    MagicYUV is a lossless video codec developed by INNOMAGIC, Ltd. It is designed to compress video with zero loss of quality, making it a popular choice among professionals in the field of film, television, and video production. 更多资料...
  • CollageIt 1.9.5

    CollageIt 1.9.5

    CollageIt by PearlMountain Soft Greeting Card Builder 0 2105 is a user-friendly and versatile software application designed to help users easily create personalized greeting cards. 更多资料...
  • EZRAID 1

    EZRAID 1

    Gigabyte - Shareware -
    EZRAID is a RAID configuration software developed by Gigabyte, an industry-leading manufacturer of computer hardware. The software is designed to help users easily set up and manage RAID arrays. 更多资料...
  • Sophos Home 2023.2.2.2

    Sophos Home 2023.2.2.2

    Sophos Limited - 3.6MB - Shareware -
    Sophos Home by Sophos Limited is an advanced cybersecurity software designed to protect home users from various online threats,, malware,, and cyberattacks. 更多资料...
  • I

    IPA WebView

    IPA WebView - Shareware -
    IPA WebView is a software product created by a company named IPA WebView. It is designed to provide users with a tool for viewing and playing back recordings of downloadable International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) sounds for the purposes of … 更多资料...

webview 86.0.4240.198

  • U

    UXP WebView Support

    Adobe Inc. - Shareware -
    Adobe Inc. 提供 UXP WebView 支持,帮助开发人员在其 Web 应用程序中创建身临其境且引人入胜的用户体验。借助UXP WebView,开发人员可以使用现代Web技术设计和实现自定义界面,而不受本机代码的限制。 开发人员可以使用 UXP WebView 为桌面和移动设备构建丰富的交互式 UI,这些 UI 以流畅的动画和快速加载时间响应用户输入。他们可以利用触摸事件、设备方向检测等功能来提供与本机应用相当的应用体验。 UXP WebView 还包括对 … 更多资料...
  • 0 6.0.1036

    0 6.0.1036

    Atlas Business Solutions - 163037696MB - Commercial -
    Review of 0 by Atlas Business Solutions 0 by Atlas Business Solutions is a comprehensive software application designed to help businesses manage their workforce efficiently. 更多资料...
  • Windows Driver Package - AMD (amdkmpfd) System  (0 19.20
  • Android System WebView

    Android System WebView

    android.google.com - Shareware -
    Android System WebView: A Comprehensive Review Android System WebView, developed by android.google.com, is a crucial component of the Android operating system that allows apps to display web content without leaving the app itself. 更多资料...
  • I

    IPA WebView

    IPA WebView - Shareware -
    IPA WebView is a software product created by a company named IPA WebView. It is designed to provide users with a tool for viewing and playing back recordings of downloadable International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) sounds for the purposes of … 更多资料...