O&O Software GmbH
O&O SafeErase Server 17.6.229
O&O Software GmbH - Shareware -Tool that provides you with the possibility to securely delete files, folders or partitions, as well as all traces of your data. 更多资料... -
O&O SSD Migration Kit 7.1.36
O&O Software GmbH - 10.9MB - Shareware -O&O SSD 迁移套件可轻松轻松地将分区(驱动器)从传统硬盘迁移到固态硬盘(固态硬盘)。这将导致在 SSD 或 SSD 驱动器上创建所选驱动器的重复项。如果在 SSD 上复制了分区或整个硬盘,则需要调整分区并与 SSD 的结构对齐。如果发生这种情况,SSD 将简单地被来自旧硬盘的信息覆盖,分区的不对齐可能会导致高达 50% 的性能损失。此外,SSD 的使用寿命缩短,因为您现在在 SSD 上保存新数据,在删除和重写时需要的空间比正常时要大。O&O SSD … 更多资料... -
O&O PartitionManager Server Edition
O&O Software GmbH - Commercial -O&O PartitionManager Server Edition is a software developed by O&O Software GmbH that allows users to manage partitions on their servers easily. 更多资料... -
Windows illesztőprogram-csomag - O&O Software GmbH oodrvled ActivityMonitor (11/03/2009
O&O Software GmbH - Shareware -