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downloadi damasi
Damasi 11.16.0
Miroslav Kisly - Freeware -Turkish Draughts, also known as Dama or Damasi, is a popular variant of checkers played in Turkey. Unlike other board games such as backgammon, chess, or cards, Turkish Draughts does not require any specialized board or equipment. további infó...
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Damasi 11.16.0
Miroslav Kisly - Freeware -Turkish Draughts, also known as Dama or Damasi, is a popular variant of checkers played in Turkey. Unlike other board games such as backgammon, chess, or cards, Turkish Draughts does not require any specialized board or equipment. további infó... -
Tavla - Backgammon 12.7.1
Miroslav Kisly - Freeware -Tavla is the Turkish variant of Backgammon (also known as Narde, Tavli, Tawula, or Takhteh in Iran). The game rules closely resemble those of traditional backgammon. további infó...
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2024. 11. 04.
2024. 10. 25.
2024. 10. 18.
2024. 10. 17.
2024. 10. 17.
2024. 10. 10.