请安装ocr engine后重新启动 microtek sca
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请安装ocr engine后重新启动 microtek sca
Microtek FineReader OCR Engine
Microtek FineReader OCR Engine - Shareware -Microtek FineReader OCR Engine is a powerful optical character recognition software developed by Microtek FineReader OCR Engine. It allows users to convert scanned documents and images into editable formats, such as Microsoft Word or PDF. további infó... -
BKS Security
BKS Bank AG - Shareware -The registration process is straightforward, allowing users to quickly and securely perform transactions via smartphone or tablet. további infó...
请安装ocr engine后重新启动 microtek sca
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请安装ocr engine后重新启动 microtek sca
BKS Security
BKS Bank AG - Shareware -The registration process is straightforward, allowing users to quickly and securely perform transactions via smartphone or tablet. további infó... -
Microtek FineReader OCR Engine
Microtek FineReader OCR Engine - Shareware -Microtek FineReader OCR Engine is a powerful optical character recognition software developed by Microtek FineReader OCR Engine. It allows users to convert scanned documents and images into editable formats, such as Microsoft Word or PDF. további infó... -
Wirex: All-In-One Crypto App 3.45.20
Wirex Limited - Freeware -Introducing the Wirex App – Your All-in-One Crypto and Conventional Currency Solution! Are you ready to enter a new era of financial independence? Look no further than the Wirex app. további infó... -
SCA Fit 1.4.0
ProSistemas Tecnologia em Software - Freeware -The SCA Fit is a comprehensive and exclusive application for gym, club, and studio members who use the SCA System. Within the application, you have complete control over your workout in a dynamic and functional way, providing a complete … további infó... -
SWORD ServiceBooks for Service Management
Access Business Communications Inc. - Shareware -SWORD | Service Work Orders Routing & Dispatch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWORD is a complete Customer Service and Order management software application. további infó... -
Co.opmart - Freeware -"Complete Trust - Dedicated Service" The Saigon Co.op application is designed to provide customers with quick, regular, and effective support and serve their online shopping needs. további infó... -
Secure Cisco Auditor
Secure Bytes, Inc - 313,9MB - Demo -Secure Bytes provides Secure Cisco Auditor, which is a state of the art Next Generation network security auditing software for Cisco firewalls, routers and switches along with different Router audit tools and Network security Software. további infó... -
Waylet. Pagos con el móvil 12.12.2
REPSOL SA - Freeware -The Repsol App is a convenient and secure way to pay at Repsol Service Stations and other participating retailers, as well as manage parking meters and electric mobility. további infó... -
ABBYY FineReader Engine for Microtek
ABBYY - Shareware -ABBYY FineReader Engine for Microtek is a software development kit (SDK) designed to integrate optical character recognition (OCR), intelligent character recognition (ICR) and barcode recognition technologies into Microtek scanners and … további infó... -
Microtek Connect 1.3
Microtek International Pvt.Ltd - Freeware -Microtek Customer App is a tool tailored for customers to efficiently monitor their Microtek products. It offers various useful features: My Product: Easily add products and initiate service requests with a few taps. további infó...
További címeket tartalmazó
请安装ocr engine后重新启动 microtek sca
Microtek FineReader OCR Engine
Microtek FineReader OCR Engine - Shareware -Microtek FineReader OCR Engine is a powerful optical character recognition software developed by Microtek FineReader OCR Engine. It allows users to convert scanned documents and images into editable formats, such as Microsoft Word or PDF. további infó...
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