Detong Technology Ltd.

  • E

    Excel Workbooks Tabs

    Detong Technology Ltd. - Shareware -
    Excel Workbooks Tabs imitates IE7 or Firefox to bring tabbed browsing for Microsoft Excel. Excel Workbooks Tabs inserts a tab bar between Excel's Ribbon and workplace for displaying multiple workbooks. mehr Info...
  • W

    Word Documents Tabs

    Detong Technology Ltd. - Shareware -
    Word Documents Tabs Brings Tabbed Browser in Microsoft Word . 11 tab styles for customization; Move tab bar to the head/foot/right/left of workplace; Easily define any color as tab bar's colors; Numerous mouse functions; Disable/enable … mehr Info...
  • O

    Office Tab 14.50

    Detong Technology Ltd. - 2,8MB - Shareware -
    Office Tab Adds Tabs and Tabbed Browsing to Microsoft Office 2003/2007. The software includes Excel Tab, Word Tab and PowerPoint Tab. It embeds the multiple tabs style in Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office 2007. mehr Info...